Mr.Kozu is a deaf and dumb person.
When we talk with him, we communnicate in writing.
I didn't know the thing,when I have seen his work for the first time.
But I felt deep impression in the stillness which it was only made to feel
the omen of his work.
when I met him and a reason for what I felt from his work known,
in the charm of the strange feeling.
Such a he is continuing a dance together as a physical expression
with his art work production.
This time Workshop was the style of Installaion & Dance paformance in the space of the gallery.
It was the member of the various participants,
the people who knew only the name of DAKEI of the name as a dance Family,
the deaf and dumb person's companies of Mr.Kozu, artistic companies of him,
artists of this exhibition,and others.
It was two hours when the participant that his dance and the vibration of the drum of the African drum player (his friend) put together varied unified it in the space of the gallery.
Pepper's Hiro