Pepper's Project Exhibition COMMUNICATION ART
[Sataurday evening's workshop]
10/21sat 6:00pm~8:00pm

[Good afternoon Myself]

This project suggests you to make a communivation from PRESENT YOU to FUTURE YOU.
Please leave your message for future yourself or what you think now and so on with your letter.
Write your name and address both for a sender and for an address.
" Please white your correcte asress which you will be able to get your letter surely" Seal your letter by a piece of sticker,and put your letter in to the BOX.
When you will forget about this project,you`ll get the letter from PAST YOURSELF.

I have a memory when I waselementary scool I burried time capusule......
I don't remenber what I wrote ,what I wrote,what I put in.
Time don't stop. I older as time goes on.
Time of past is not stopping. A past of me can't stop either.
There is now in can't past time .
I keep living in time can't retain. If we meet past of me,what we would talk with them.
If they met us now,what they would talk with us.
We wrote a letter for us each. And we mailed it.
I feel like pray something,Hello....myself ,maybe.

Pepper's koko