¡Contemporary Primitive 1998~1999

Why do young generation aim to Primitive?
yContemporary Primitive IIz1999.10.18-11.6 /Part I.II.III /Group Exhibition/Pepper's Gallery

¡MIX X MIX Complexed Media1998E1999

The method which a work turns to by layer makes it dovarious material. as a medium and which is made to mix.
It exceeds the category of usual mixt media.It becomes complext media.
And it seems to go to the structuralization as a method of totality of a different look of the expression
or the artist's existence.
yComplexed Mediaz1999.7.12-7.24 /Part I.II /Group Exhibition/Pepper's Gallery
yComplexed Mediaz1999.7/17sat /work shop /Noriko Yamaguchi "The fire in this place"-installation /Pepper's Gallery
yComplexed Mediaz1999.7/24sat /work shop /Akiko Soeda "PM6:00~PM8:00"-installation