¡Strange BOX 1999
yStrange BOXz1999.2.2-2.14 /Part I.II /Group Exhibition/Pepper's Gallery
yStrange BOXz1999.2/14sun t /work shop /Meiri Ishida + Akane Suzuki "MINDSCAPE"~flow into mind~ Glass Installation /Pepper's Gallery ____________________________________________________________________________________________

¡ Psychological 1999
Now, when young artists try to go to sincerely in the present day, they is.........that began
to entail psychological expression .This exhibition is Anthology of those angles of inclination.
In 1999, it is symbolic to meet many psychological expressions in the conversion point of the century.
It is hoped that many people read their message. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
yPsychological IIz1999.9.6-9.25 /Angle I.II /Grop Exhibition/Pepper's Gallery
yPsychological IIz1999.9.20-9.25 /Angle III /Solo Exhibition /Ai Mimaki "A door beyond the door"/Pepper's Gallery
yPsychological IIz1999.9/11sat /work shop/Ken Kaizu "Insect Diary"/Pepper's Gallery
yPsychological IIz1999.9/18sat /work shop/Satoru Omori "Inside Information"/Pepper's Gallery
yPsychologicalz1999.1.5-1.31 /Angle I.II.III.IV /Group Exhibition/Pepper's Gallery
yPsychologicalz1999.1/10sun /work shop/Natsunosuke Mise "Dwarfs In Synapse"/Pepper's Gallery
yPsychologicalz1999.1/17sun /work shop/Maya Fujimoto "Is it difficult why to fall in love with each other ?"/Pepper's Gallery
yPsychologicalz1999.1/24sun /work shop/Hiroyuki Kozu DANCE PERFORMANCE "DAKEI Vol.2"/Pepper's Gallery
yPsychologicalz1999.1/31sun /work shop/Kyoko Maeyama "MASHED HOSPITAL"-Resolution&Fusion/Pepper's Gallery